Monday, October 27, 2008

Hiking and Bells- 102708

Today I did my run/hike/run up at South Mountain's Telegraph Pass Trail. The souls of my feet started to bother me for whatever reason. They hadn't done this before and an hour or so afterward still feel like they're cramping up a bit. Maybe I went faster or maybe I just had one of those days. I was wearing what I always wear: Vibram FiveFingers.

5 Min. Timed Swing Set @ 16kg to the tune of AC/DC Sirius. :)

Good one today! I felt strong cardio and endurance wise.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Telegraph Pass Trail- 102108

I went on one of my favorite hikes the other day at South Mountain and it was amazing. I found a new parking spot that saves me 15 minutes getting there. When I arrived I put in my iPod and started running. The new parking spot provides me with almost a good mile of running before the incline. I ran to the first step like area and then began my trek upward. This trail always provides a great leg workout. On my way down I ran the same distance back to where I started placing the finishing touches on what ended up being a really great time.

AC/DC and Kettlebells

Doesn't that go together just perfectly like peanut butter and jelly? I definitely think so. I found the new Sirius satellite radio channel that is all AC/DC. I put that on and started practicing some Kettlebell work.

6 Min. Timed Swing Set @16kg and 32kg
I put both bells down next to each other and set my GymBoss to 1 min. then began swinging. At each beep I quickly switched bells so that I performed 3 minutes of each weight totaling 6 minutes.

5 @ 32kg on right side and then immediately perform 1 min. @16kg
Switch sides and perform the same.
Total of 3 sets.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 In 1- Kettlebells, Streets, and the Mountain

My workout for this day was pretty good except I had a hand tear half way that messed with my mind. Hand tears are never fun and my right hand seems to not want to progress past it. I keep tearing the same part every time I snatch even if I change my form around. It doesnt' make sense and that is the frustrating part. You don't want to keep warrioring through the tear and then leave yourself unable to practice for a couple weeks, but stopping can't be an option either. Well anyway regardless of the tear I still had a good workout and kept good pace.


10 Min. Timed Snatch Set(single hand switch) @ 16kg
20rpm until I tore my hand and then I kept a 15-18rpm pace for the last few min.

50 Situps and Stretch


2 Mile Fast Run


South Mountain Telegraph Pass Hike
2 Sets of 5x 32kg Jerks

This was a great hike and I ran down the stable half and then made a fast pace going up. This is my favorite South Mountain trail and it left me feeling great! :)

Strength and Conditioning Day- 101508


Perform as quickly as possible all the way through.

* Run 400 Meters
* Row 500 Meters
* Jump Rope 200 Singles
* Run 200 Meters
* Row 250 Meters
* Jump Rope 100 Singles
* Run 400 Meters
* Row 500 Meters
* Jump Rope 200 Singles


* DB Snatch @ 2x2 65#
* DB Cleans @ 2x2 65#
* Pull-ups @ 10x stiff bodied
* TGU sit-ups @ 3x4 per side @ 35# DB

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Way of Kettlebell Fitness: Girevoy Sport(or Fluid Style) vs. Hard Style Kettlebell Lifting

I have always been a huge fan of Bruce Lee and the way he led his life. I apply his exact theories in martial arts to that of fitness. One of my favorite training methods to use is the art of Russian Kettlebell Lifting. There are 2 main schools of protocol where kettlebells are concerned.

"Jeet Kune Do favors formlessness so that it can assume all forms and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it can fit in with all styles. As a result, Jeet Kune Do utilizes all ways and is bound by none and, likewise, uses any techniques which serve its end. " - Bruce Lee

In the Girevoy Sport style of kettlebell lifting kettlebell "juggling"- which is all non-traditional kettlebell movements-, is not performed as much as in Hard Style as part of the core elements in the workout, but instead as simple supporting exercises. In "Enter The Kettlebell"(the Hard Style Bible) Pavel clearly focuses on the 3 main kettlebell movements which are the Swing, Snatch, and Press.
Any supporting exercise mentioned is either a progression to or beyond those. Girevoy Sport style of kettlebell training focuses on the following competitive movements: the Snatch, Jerk, and the Long Cycle (clean & jerk). These lifts are performed under timed sets; however many different training protocols are used during training to achieve that goal.
GS is not performed simply to compete. Many folks regularly practice the GS style and never compete. Sure this is the competition method of lifting and training, but in both HS and GS the lifter must learn how to use the bell with proper form within the basic movements and then progress once they are mastered.
Ultimately both styles are only kettlebell practice and both performances allow the practitioner to develop great strength, muscular endurance, mental focus, and overall body awareness. By practicing one method over the other is not the wisest as both can benefit a person and both can be continually used. There are those who desire to immerse themselves in one method over the other, but in the end the human body is still just a human body and a body under stress adapts and becomes stronger. It's just a matter of choosing your stress load and means.
In my teaching and writing I only desire to deliver the truth to my audience. The truth is never one sided. It is every side, angle, approach, focus, concept, clarity, and enlightenment to reach a state of knowing- of having knowledge and wisdom. This is a lifelong and ongoing process that will never be fully achieved in anyone's lifetime.
The same holds true for fitness regardless of the tool used. In the end that is all the kettlebell really is and it’s less about the tool, but instead the style. Bruce Lee demonstrated that exact concept with his Jeet Kune Do. He constantly blended and evolved his methods for whatever venue, opponent, or need he felt was how JKD was to be applied. Keep in mind though that he always had his roots and they were deep in Kung Fu, Gung Fu, and others in order to get his style Fluid and abilities sound. Even when he passed on his legacy to those who practice JKD today they still have not perfected it. It still evolves, grows, changes, and lives in all of its practitioners.
“Truth has no path. Truth is living and, therefore, changing. Awareness is without choice, without demand, without anxiety; in that state of mind, there is perception. To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person. Awareness has no frontier; it is giving of your whole being, without exclusion.” -Bruce Lee
That is the same with the art of strength training. The kettlebell is a fantastic tool that I will continue to use throughout my entire life. I will always evolve myself and grow with what my body needs. One style or two styles will never be enough or allow me to make the changes my body- and the bodies of the masses- will always need.
Regardless of the tool the styles will live on and live on inside all of us. Our quest to go from average to elite will be forever enlightened within.

"Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jerk Day- 101308

101208(yesterday) was a long hike up Camelback Mountain in Phoenix/Paradise Valley.

Today was Jerk Day-

Since I was busy pretty much the hole work day I had to make my Kettlebell practice as intense as I can.

10 Min. Double Jerk Set @ 16kg

I maintained a 5-8 rpm pace since this has been my first 10 min. Jerk set for almost 2 months. I wanted to take it easy. The only issue I faced was my forearm were painful, but I know that will subside in another couple workouts. My cardio felt great, my legs good, and shoulders endured just fine too.

Recovery Stretch @ 15 min.

This was a very good workout especially after my hike yesterday at Camelback for a couple hours. If you ever want a good leg hike after a prior day of a great overall workout that would be it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thoughts and Practices

There are 2 main schools of kettlebell thought and practice.  One is proven and one is not.  What I mean by "proven" is by the time tested athletic arena of competition.  What is proven is considered to be the greatest way to train for overall strength, full body endurance, physical control, mental focus and toughness, and a host of other positive forces.  I am the first to say that there are many roads to fitness just as long as you take one there, but in the end some are indeed better than others.

To give you an idea of what I'm talking about take a look at the below video of AKC Coach Gregor Sobocan just messing around jerking a 110lb. KB for 51 reps. Notice his complete control and calmness in his demeanor. That is a lot of timed set practice.

Here is another video of Valery Federanko doing the same thing. He is what Tiger Woods is to Golf to Girevoy Sport.

I think in the end it just boils down to what one's goals are. Honestly I can care less about what anyone can deadlift or max snatch, max overhead press, max bench, max squat, etc. That doesn't "impress" me.

What impresses me is the big picture and the balance of anyone's overall abilities.

Since I injured my back deadlifting a couple years ago I have had to give it up although I have done everything to rehab it and even began a very light road back to it. My body is just not able to handle it right now and I will not be attempting it any time soon since I have reinjured it trying a couple times over the past 2 years. DLing used to be my favorite exercise and when I was performing it my numbers were pretty good.

I know what my limitations are and I work around them to the best of my ability. I know I cannot deadlift or heavy squat due to the loads. What I can do I do and do it 110%.

I have also gone through the Crossfit methods over the years as well. I blend a bit of their concepts into how I train from time to time. I love intensity and love how they bring it. But is it the end to all- not even close. To some folks it's it. Not to you or I.

I have practiced the HS over the years as well and did so long before experiencing GS. When I performed my first timed set it was like nothing I ever experienced and fell in love. My strength has improved greatly; however I do not max to see due to the simple fact that I just don't care. I care more of how long I can go for using the heaviest weight possible. Pure fitness and pure strength is all encompassing rather than simply doing something one or two times and then being done with it.

Ultimately it is what your goals are and what you desire to experience for yourself. Personally I want it all and have a little bit of everything tied in to all that I do. When I mean "I want it all" I simply am implying HS, GS, CrossFit, Gym Jones, GPP and whatever else looks like it will help me become superiorly and elitely conditioned in the sense of the extreme to what my own body can handle. How do I measure up to know what that means- well I do so with those who are the greatest in each of those fields.

Some Things Just Make Me Shake My Head...

I was browsing the web for some exercise research and came across something I believe to be one of the absolute most pathetic and hilarious sites I have ever seen.  I have included a video for all of you to enjoy, but I warn you this absurdity is NOT for the faint of heart. 

I cannot believe this is even reality to some people.  Notice how off the group is in their routine that they cannot keep in unison with the instructor- who even clearly needs to do something about her own self with those flabby love handles. LOL! :)

Kettlebell Kamp- 101108

Today I practiced with my clients in Mesa and had a great, great time and workout.

100x Mountain Climbers
100x Jumping High Knees
Movement Readiness Stretches

There are 6 exercises and each will be performed for 1 Minute w/ 2 minutes rest between rounds.

2 Rounds: I will indicate my numbers.
Run @ 12mph
Farmer Walk @ 50#
Wall Balls @ 10# cause that's all we had
Box Jumps @ 24in. box
2 Handed Kettlebell Swings @ 20kg

Then: I used a 20kg KB
2 Min. Snatch Set(rt side)
1 Min. 1 Hand Swing(rt side)
2 Min. Snatch Set(lft side)
1 Min. 1 Hand Swing(lft side)

Long Distance Lunges(outside around building

40x Suicide Leg Abs- 10x each direction and twice in middle.


It was a super great time and then I came home to have my Post Workout Shake consisting of water, organic/pesticide free whey protein, 1 banana, & 1 tblspn of coconut oil. YUMMY!

Keeping Eating Simple

A couple folks and I have been talking and curious on some things regarding eating combinations. I was under the impression that it is NOT "fat" and "carbs" that are bad. It it nuts and grains. I'm not entirely sure, but maybe it is the chemical make-up of nuts or of grains that don't agree. If it is something else no one has told that to me and I would really like to know.

I eat cheese every single day and I eat a lot of it. I eat it with grains- mostly only millet, quinoa, and teff. The only time I eat wheat is in Ezekial products. Of course not every day do I eat grains, but maybe one or two times a week at most do I have a "high carb" day.

About half my meal is my salad. I eat about a half a gallon size bowl of about 10 different mixed cut up organic veggies. The base is always about 2 or 3 different lettuces(never iceberg or romaine), tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, celery, red onion, beans(changes daily), seeds(changes daily, but usually sunflower), cucumber, avocado, and peapods.
Also most nights I eat a large bowl of organic full fat plain yogurt with some of the Ezekial cereal as desert. It's good, healthy and I really think the combinations make for great energy the next day.

I believe some "diet experts" get too detailed in how we live. As long as it's clean, simple, and as close to nature as possible then we are doing very well. It is when diets become over-complicated that people give up and/or don't even bother. That's not success.

Ultimately our ancient ancestors never calorie counted, carb stressed, ate non or low fat and were perfectly fine. In most cases they were even healthier than we are today since all the pollutants around us and processed foods.

Keeping it simple and as close to nature as possible is the best way. Just don't stress.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Today was my Short 'N Sweet.

6 Min. Snatch Set @ 16kg

- I switched hands every minute maintaining a 20+ rep per minute pace.
The first and last minutes were at 25 and the middle was 20rpms.

Good Stretches


I needed a longer workout today to pick up the endurance. Today's definitely suited the bill and did a perfect job.

Warm-Up: @ 16kg

3 Min. 2 Arm Swings

6 Min. One Arm Jerks


50 Ab Wheel Rollouts

50 Jacknifes on SB

Run 1 Mile @ 8.0mph

50 Close Grip Pullups

50 KB Snatches @ 16kg

Run 1 Mile @ 8.0mph

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Today's workout was simple and exactly what I needed to close my first week back after about a month off. The only thing I feel I'm behind on is my endurance. My overall muscular endurance seems to be still very good and coming back even stronger, but my cardio endurance is the butt kicker. It's definitely improving, but I remember being able to just up and go do whatever training protocol I want and with the highest intensity. So alongside humility and patience I work very hard toward my goal of being stronger and better than ever.

Run a .25 mile.


Jumping Lunges
One Arm Kettlebell Swings

Run one more .25 mile.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Todays workout was with Sean and it was interesting cause our shoulders were already beat up from earlier this week. We didn't realize it until half way through so it was a workout we had to warrior through, but did we ever!


DB Thrusters @ 35lbs.
21-15-9 reps

5x Sprints Outside

Plank Holds & Walks- (at the end of each walk perform 10 Plank Pops)

Friday, October 3, 2008

100308- Gravity Was Heavy Today!

Wow! Today I had a great workout, but gravity was definitely my enemy when all I wanted was to be friends.
1 Mile Tire Drag @ 70 or 80 lbs.
I'm not exactly sure how much it weighs, but that's my guess.
20x Pullups
10x DB Push Press @ 50lb. each
2 sets
This was a great workout and the tire kicked my butt. I took a couple quick breaks along the way just to catch my breath. It actually was much more difficult then I had thought. All in all it was really cool.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kettlebell Facts and A New Workout

Kettlebell 101:
Rule number one- Don't Get Overwhelmed!
Kettlebells have been around for a few hundred years and have survived among many different cultures. The main culture they derive from is Russia. Kettlebells have made their journey into the U.S., post cold war, around the mid 1980's.
Most women begin with either 8 or 12 kilo where most men begin with 12 or 16 kilo. It shouldn't take long to progress to the next size bell if you practice regularly.
There are 2 general schools of thought when it comes to Kettlebell practice- "Hard Style" and "Girevoy Sport". We generally practice a blend of both.

1. Hard Style- more explosive, very crisp, power oriented, trains usually for certain number of reps and sets in various Swings, Snatches, Cleans, Presses, Turkish Get-Ups, Sots Presses, Bent Presses, and more.
-made popular by Pavel Tsatsouline

2. G.S.- much more fluid & graceful, more relaxed, endurance oriented, trains usually for time and number of reps in a given time limit in either the jerk, snatch or long cycle clean and jerk(which is pretty much a combo of both the jerk and snatch)
-Girya = kettlebell lifter = competitor in Girevoy Sport

Russian Kettlebells are the single best piece of training equipment that will show you the most muscular strength and endurance, joint stability, cardiovascular strength and endurance, power, agility, coordination and simply the ultimate overall fitness conditioning that your body could ever receive. If there is one training piece of equipment that I can use for the rest of my life and never anything else again regardless if it was a sophisticated machine, tractor truck tire(for flipping), cables, ropes, dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls or whatever- the Kettlebell would be it!
Kettlebells are, simply put, a tool. There are many tools out there and many roads to fitness. This is just one of those tools and will take you down a great, great road.


6 Minute Two-Handed Swing Set

3 Min. Single-Arm Press Set

One-Arm Swings 16kg(35lbs.) 25R/25L 1 Set

Renegade Rows 20x(10R/10L) 1 Set

Planks as a finisher

8x Tabata Sprints on Treadmill
-4 min. of total sprinting. 20s sprint followed by a 10s rest times 8.

1. 15x Pushups
2. 15x Diamond Pushup on MB
3. 15x Suicide Pushup
Take a 3 minute break and then perform it again if you can.

-Always finish with some stretching.

Try to keep every workout different and constantly changing. You will certainly practice the same movements, but don't ever just do the same things over and over. This way your body continues to change and not plateau. I gave you a good mixture of things to do in today's workout. Feel free to expand upon it and practice some of the things we did intermixed with other exercises. Try to keep all strength training workouts to about 30 min.- give or take. This way your intensity will remain high. When you stretch out the time intensity lowers and you run the risk of overtraining.

Have fun and let me know about your progress.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Today I was extremely busy and had so much going on at work that caused me to go through the whole day missing my normal workout time. So I decided as soon as I got home tonight to quickly perform as intense of a workout as I could in about 10 minutes before my Warrior Meal.

6 Min. Long Cycle Clean & Jerk

30 Pushups

3 Min. Plank Set

That's all folks! Short, but super sweet. I feel great and hopefully will have time for another one tomorrow.