Sunday, May 25, 2008
3 Rounds
Two handed swings- 10x 28kg
One handed Clean and then Press- 3x 28kg
5 pistols each leg, 5 hindu push ups
6x Sandbag Get-ups per side
2 Rounds
5 Pistols(each leg), 5 Hindu Push-Ups
20 Sandbag Squats
Blending The Raw
I eat according to the Warrior Diet Lifestyle and so during the day I “Undereat” to turn on the Sympathetic Nervous System(SNS) and “Overeat” at night to turn on the Parasympathetic Nervous System(PSNS). I have experienced phenomenal results over the past 4 or 5 months since I have switched to this lifestyle permanently because I only want the best.
Generally I meshed the thinking behind the 3 books: In Defense of Food(by Michael Pollan), The Warrior Diet(by Ori Hofmekler), and The Anti-Estrogenic Diet(by Ori Hofmekler). I really love their philosophies and so far feel incredible since eating better. I have never had a weight problem or even health problem as I have always kept myself in superb shape and done my best to always eat well, but this is the best I have ever felt. I only desire to continue this and continue to improve. That is the exact reason why I am posting here. I desire to both share and learn information to help me progress my journey of a healthy lifestyle.
I really enjoy making various smoothies throughout the day because of the simplicity to it. I have no more than my morning and afternoon. This is all I eat during the day as I have my main meal at night which is a balance of everything(different textures, flavors, aromas, colors, tastes, shapes, etc.).Here are some simple smoothie recipes: Be sure to always have a green in it.
spinach/ banana
sprouts/ banana/ cantaloupe
watermelon/ mint
mango/ kale
coconut (water and its meat)/ banana/ pineapple
strawberry/ orange/ banana/ parsley or baby spinach leaves
apple/ banana/ cilantro
You can always create your own by adding whatever fruit or veggie you wish along with fresh turmeric, fresh parsley, fresh ginger, apples, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries... the options are endless. :)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Over the past few days I've performed the following workouts:
052008- Workout:
5 Rounds of the following:
5 reps of Dumbbell Hang Clean @ 50#
5 Pullups
1 min. treadmill sprint @ 15% incline
5 more rounds of the following:
5 reps of Dumbbell Hang Clean @ 50#
5 Pullups
052208- Workout:
20 minutes of 30 seconds on & 30 seconds off of two handed swings w/ the 24 kg kettlebell.
Bent presses
3x20kg/ 3x20kg/ 1x24kg
Turkish Getup:
Stretching/ foam roller work
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Water Bells
I really enjoyed myself.
20x Single Arm Swings @ 16kg
One length swim and get out on the other side and perform 3x One Arm Pushups
Swim back and repeat swings
Swim the length again and perform 10 Pistols per leg.
Repeat that 3 more times, but only perform pistols.
Total Swings= 200(100 per arm)
Total One Arm Pushups= 3 per arm
Total Pistols= 80(40 per leg)
Overall it felt good and was quite refreshing. :)
Question of Balance
I am always doing my best to find a balance in my life where training is concerned. I came from a bodybuilding mindset in my background where hypertrophy and pain was the only way to experience results. I found kettlebells through a friend/prior client shortly after my herniated disc injury almost 2 years ago.
This has been a tough road, but a very fun one as well while attempting to recover from the injury. It seems like just one stupid movement in the wrong way will set it off into spasms and inflammation. I know what training movements NOT to perform(deadlifts, barbell squats, sots presses), but hate being limited. I love the physical environment and opportunity that kettlebells have presented to me and I have never been stronger.
I turned 30 this past December and only want my growing years to be ones filled with education, inspiration, fulfilled experiences, and all centered around my love of simply being as healthy as I can be. That is why I love to train. I competed in sports when I was younger, but for me now competition is only as good as my last workout. I compete with me and my own personal bests.
I hope to be able to afford the RKC one day, but in the meantime have truly enjoyed the enlightenment of Mark Reifkind and others such as the websites of David Whitley(, Anthony DiLuglio(, of course Pavel(, Steve Cotter(, Jordan Venzina(, and there are others as well. I frequent these sites each day to just catch a glimmer of what these interesting men have to offer not only the kettlebell community, but also the entire community of self-improvement. I will say this again- They have truly inspired me more than once.
Thank you gentlemen and I hope to one day have the privilege to meet you and be trained by you.
-Bob Garon
I rested between sets for a couple min. My hands are still healing me and my back is still recovering as well so I had to take this, my first snatch session back in over 2 weeks, a little bit easy.
5/5 per arm and focus on maximum power and acceleration on each rep.
Up the weight after each set.
16 kg x 15 sets
20 kg x15 sets
24 kg x15 sets
150 reps with each weight
450 total reps
19,800 total pounds lifted!
Waiter's Walk @ 16kg
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
What's Been Goin' On...
I laid off of all kettlebell and strength training since Monday and have only been performing HIIT, a small amount of mountain(on the road) biking, yoga and hiking. I think it has done me well except I am still not 100% in my upper back. Everything else feels wonderful and desiring an intense workout, but I must remain patient until everything heals or I'll be back at Pain-Square-One. That is not where I want to be.
My diet has been great. I purchased Raw Milk yesterday and it does not upset my lactose intolerance issue at all. I have been increasing my organic produce by visiting local Farmer's Markets and will be joining a CSA(community supported agriculture) in my area.
The produce from these markets are AMAZING!!! I cannot speak highly enough about it.
This is the life I am and will be living as long as it is available to me. There is NO going back. I feel GREAT!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Nightline featured Michael Pollan, author of "Defense of Food"
Last night Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food (the book I'm reading) and been referencing to you all, was interviewed on ABC's program 'Nightline'.

Last night's Nightline featured Michael Pollan talking about his "Twelve Commandments For Eating" from his book In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto:
"In general, I'm inclined to stick with the tried and
true when it comes to food. And let the novelties be tested for a
while. I think we need to begin to spend more on food, both in terms of
money and in time. I know that's not a popular message. People like
their convenience foods. But this experiment of outsourcing our food
preparation to corporations has failed us. I mean, it's left us really
unhealthy, really unsatisfied. And I think it's undermined the family
life and undermined the community."
This book and his message has really changed my life and that of my family's
so I encourage all of you to watch the 9 minute video and pick up his
book($15) at your local book store.
After you watch the 'Nightline' presentation:
If you would like a much more detailed lecture by Michael Pollan CLICK HERE for a link to his Google lecture.