Thursday, May 22, 2008


My back has been feeling very good lately and I'm very, very glad cause this has been something that has plagued me for almost 2 years since the original herniation injury. I've been doing a lot more specific back and hamstring stretching which I believe has been the reason why. I also have laid off of certain things just to give it a rest. I'm really listening to my body as to when I need a break for recovery days. When I feel good I train. Since I've been feeling really good lately I have been putting in all the time I can.

Over the past few days I've performed the following workouts:

052008- Workout:

5 Rounds of the following:

5 reps of Dumbbell Hang Clean @ 50#
5 Pullups

1 min. treadmill sprint @ 15% incline
5 more rounds of the following:

5 reps of Dumbbell Hang Clean @ 50#
5 Pullups

052208- Workout:
20 minutes of 30 seconds on & 30 seconds off of two handed swings w/ the 24 kg kettlebell.

Bent presses
3x20kg/ 3x20kg/ 1x24kg

Turkish Getup:

Stretching/ foam roller work

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