Saturday, November 8, 2008

110808 Workout- 100's

Today my workout has been pretty much throughout the day. I started with my Boot Campers doing what they did this morning and then a few hours later practiced some kettlebell training.

Oh and for the past week I've been very active, actually more than usual, while instructing my Train The Trainer course.

Today's KB WOD didn't go as best as I desired and hoped, but it was the first time in a while I've worked with the 24kg.

Light stretches and movements

10 min. Set of One Arm Jerks @ 24kg (10rpm)
I dropped it twice due to my forearm and grip, but picked it immediately back up.

Total was 100 reps(rightside= 50/ leftside= 50)

10x 15s on/ 15s off of 32kg Swings @ 20rpm

Total was 100 reps.

16kg Rack Holds 30s each hand alternating for 3 min.

10x Windmills @16kg

Cool Down:

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