Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This Weekend

I held my first Kettlebell Essentials Workshop and it went VERY well. 7 people went from being unsure about kettlebells to confident with the basic lifts. The Essentials class focuses primarily on the Swings and Turkish Get-ups, but I also introduce the Clean and the Push Press.

I first began each movement module with demonstration and instruction then we practiced by doing. The best way to learn is by physically doing it so we definitely did and that is actually where my own workout for Saturday, August 16th came in to play. I still was recovering from last week's head cold so my energy and sinuses were not up to full par so just making it through the class with my voice in tact was a challenge in itself.

In the end I made it and basically just Greased The Groove with my KB movements while teaching the class. It was a blast and I can't wait to teach the next one on September 13th.

As for my workout on Monday, August 18th I did one that I gave my clients on Saturday morning before the Workshop.

20x Bench Jumps or Step ups
30x Pushups
20x Squats

Do not set bell down at all during the entire 14 min. I used a 20kg bell.

2 Min. Two Hand Swings
2 Min. One Hand Swings
2 Min. Snatch
2 Min. Push Press or Jerk
2 Min. Snatch
2 Min. One Hand Swings
2 Min. Two Hand Swings

20x Squats
30x Bosu Pushups
20x Bench Jumps or Step ups

This was a GREAT workout and I am feeling it a bit today in my hammies and chest. :)

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