Monday, June 2, 2008


7am- woke up and drank 1 tblspn of psyllium seed husk in 10oz of water.

My Super Breakfast Smoothie:
1. 1.5-2 cups of water
2. 1 tblspn of Barlean's Flaxseed Oil
3. 2 strawberries
4. A very small handful of mixed greens
5. 1 serving of Udo's Choice: Wholesome Fast Food (powder with a whole lot of organic greens, enzymes, phytonutrients, and more)

1pm- Workout
3 Rounds of:
1. 10x per arm of kettlebell swings @ 28kg
2. 10x piston presses on stability ball @ 65lbs
3. 10x strict pullups w/ a 45lb db

1 rep turkish getup @ 28kg
1 min. farmer's carry @ 50lbs each arm

Various abs and stretching

2pm- pure advantage protein recovery shake w/ water only
2:30pm- 1 banana

4pm- a couple ounces of walnuts & cashews before Ori told me not to. :)

8pm- evening meal

Big Salad w/ mixed greens, radishes, carrots, peaches, avacado, flax seed meal, cucumber, 1 goose egg

About a half hour later-
About 6-8 ounces of Sole
A little bit of artichoke
Sweet Potato chips(brand is: Terra- no salt added) with plain homus and a Mediterranean olive mix
Plain organic whole milk yogurt w/ fresh organic strawberries

About a 30-45min. later-
A few ounces of mixed nuts
2-3 ounces of cheese

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