Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WD 041408

6:50am- Veggie Smoothie(1 stalk of Red Chard, 1 stalk of Kale, 1 celery stalk, a carrot, and a handful of mixed green leafs) w/ a serving of Udo's Wholesome Fast Food & flax oil

12:30PM- Fruit Smoothie(a few blackberries, a serving of Udo's WFF, and a banana) w/ hemp oil

1PM- Workout
3 Rounds:

30-seconds at each station unless otherwise specified and then perform 5 strict pullups between each ab set during the 1st round, 25+ lunges during the second, and 15+ pushups during the 3rd.

30x Glute-Ham Situps(GHD) Sit-up

Knee Tuck Static Hold Sit (on dip bar)

30x KTE

One Foot/One Hand Plank on 2 benches(30s each side and keep the alternate leg and hand in contact with the benches)

Sit-up (feet anchored)

Side Plank (right)

Atomic Sit–up w/ 10# DBs

Side Plank (left)

9PM-Lots of beans and corn
Mixed greens salad w/ flax meal, parm cheese, and Caesar dressing

5 eggs
Sweet potato chips

Nuts & granola

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