Sunday, January 31, 2010

30 Day No B & P Challenge

30 Day No B & P Challenge

If you wanna be tone and feel great energy every day I challenge you to No B & P. This challenge is gonna change your life almost inside of the first couple days cause it will not only challenges us to give up the main things that make us gain fat, hold fat, cause us to be sluggish, invoke allergies, digestive issues, and a whole host of other issues, but also keeps us focused on what foods are really in charge of our energy production and whole body leanness.

Here’s What You Do:
No B= no bread
No P= no pasta

Oh yes it’s just that simple, but it’s definitely not gonna be easy if you regularly eat those two. The hardest part is gonna be the first 2-3 days and the first weekend, but you get past that and you’re good to go.

-The Synergy Stoplight Principle Applies Here-
Replace B & P with living foods that are red, green, yellow/orange
 Hey look at it this way: Afterall it’s ONLY 30 days & your results lie in the challenge.

What To Expect:
·         Stop storing fat and jump start your body to burn fat for you 24 hours every day by replacing the B & P with handfuls OR smoothies of veggies & fruit instead.  
·         Skyrocket your energy all the time and finally feel alive again
·         Have to buy new clothes cause the ones you just get too big
·         Complete this challenge right and if you’re exercising at a high intensity on a regular basis you can be sure to watch your waist shrink so fast that your belt tightening can't keep up.
·         Feel your NRG spike every single day – TRUE STORY!

By successfully challenging yourself to No B & P you will greatly increase your energy, detox, experience fat loss, have fewer headaches, mental clarity, hormonal balancing, less to no mood swings, allergies diminish, decreased hunger cravings, overall satisfied feeling of well-being and more.

Keep This In Mind: It is ideal to drink a minimum of half your body weight in H2O each and every day so that you can experience all the benefits mentioned above.


CHECK IT OUT: On Facebook I created a special event for the 30 Day No B & P Challenge so that you can see everyone else who's participating as well as comment on the wall for encouraging support and funny comments alongside your experience.   
Enjoy your No B & P 30 Days. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Committed Vs. Interested: Overcoming Fears & Chuck Norris

There is only 1 main reason why folks do not stick with their diets as well as their fitness coaching programs: fear of commitment.  Any other reasons given are solely excuses and justifications to themselves so they feel better walking away from it all.  If people think that money and time are good reasons... think again. They are simply 2 excuses rooting to one. The money reason is relatively easy to overcome.  They either have it or they don’t and most people can get it, but the commitment reason is another animal.  People then say things like they don’t have time, work late, work too early, family commitments, and the list goes on.

Regardless of excuse it always roots back to a fear of commitment.  People buy from who they feel comfortable with and who they trust.  So in order to get past commitment fears relationships must be built. And that is exactly why a fitness coach and their clients experience such great results. It's all about the getting past the excuses and overcoming all fears. Once that happens a strong bond is created that is unbreakable and unstoppable.

One of my clients came across an awesome article the other day and shared it with me so I thought I'd share it with you. It is regarding the biggest stumbling block and fear every one of us face on a daily basis in our journey to be healthy: commitment. Enjoy the article and I challenge you to delve more deeply into yourself and see what fears you have. We ALL have them. You better believe that EVEN IF you're Chuck Norris and the 10,000 Crazy Ninja Clan. If you are completely honest with yourself you will realize each fear. When you do find them you'll see they can each be rooted to commitment of some kind. Change that... Today you will leave your comfort zone and see what can happen when you say: "Yes."


The Wt. Loss Minute By: Linda Spangle, RN, MA
Author: 100 Days of Weight Loss

"What is wrong with me?" Carol slammed her hand down on the table. "I'm so frustrated with myself! Every morning, I tell myself that today will be different. I'm going to stay on my diet the way I should, and NOT fall off by the middle of the

"Have you been having trouble with this?" I asked. "You wouldn't believe it," she sighed. "I've done everything you've said. I plan out my meals, set out my exercise clothes, buy healthy foods, and write down what I eat.

"But every afternoon, it's like this monster comes over me and I lose my determination." Tears began sliding down her cheeks as she continued, "It feels too hard! I've had a lot of challenges and disappointment lately, and I always end up reaching for a glass of wine or a few cookies to help me cope. Then I get upset
because I've messed up my diet again."

I handed her a box of tissues, then responded, "Carol, there's nothing wrong with you at all. What you're doing is extremely common and normal. I think the real issue is how you're coping with your life struggles."

Then I asked, "How badly do you want to lose weight? How important is it to you?" Carol wiped her eyes, then responded. "I want it VERY badly. I can't stand how I look and feel right now. I would give ANYTHING to be able to lose weight."

"Anything?' I asked. 'Does that mean you're willing to give up having wine or cookies when you get upset or feel challenged?"

Carol thought for a minute. "Are you saying I can't ever have a glass of wine after a bad day??

"Not necessarily," I replied. "Being successful isn't about setting rigid rules or feeling deprived. It's about making choices based on what you truly want in your life."
It sounds great to say 'I really want to lose weight' but making this happen takes effort. If you tend to routinely fall off your diet plan, you may want to look at the difference between being interested and being committed.

When you're 'interested' in losing weight, you say all the right words, but it doesn't take much to get you off track. A hard day, another disappointment, and you're back to food being your best friend.

In contrast, when you're 'committed' to your weight-loss plan, you stick with it no matter what. You don't blame circumstances or other people for your slip ups. On days when you get worn down or don't "feel" like dieting, you stay on the plan anyway.

Here's a summary of the two directions.

If you're "interested" in losing weight...
* You stick with it only until something better comes along (such as doughnuts)
* How you feel determines your outcome. If you don't 'feel like it,' you stop your efforts.
* You need to see results. When the scale doesn't move, you lose your motivation.
* You blame everything else (people, travel, circumstances) for your struggles with staying on your diet.
* Whenever you face challenges in life, you give up and plan you'll start your diet again tomorrow.

If you're "committed" to losing weight...

* Nothing stops your efforts. You stick with your diet, "no matter what."
* Emotions don't control your actions. You stay on track even when you don't feel like it.
* Your motivation isn't linked to the scale. You assume that if you stay motivated and work hard, you'll eventually see results.
* You don't depend on other people for your success. You know it's up to you, not them.
* A bad day or a lot of challenges don't affect your efforts. You keep going in spite of it.

At this point, Carol nodded. "I thought I was really determined to lose weight, she said. "But I've been acting like I was only interested in it. Starting today, I'm going to change my approach and live in ways that show I'm truly committed to my goals." 

So - Question for the Day - 
Are you Interested or Committed?
I am committed and I am going to work hard to stay in that mode.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eating Healthy When Dining Out Stressing You Out?

It can be very, very difficult for eating healthy when you dine out and optimally it is pretty much impossible to eat 100% healthy at any typical restaurant. But here's a few guidelines taken from the Zone Diet, which I do not follow per se, however couldn't agree more with their recommendations. I've also expounded and added a few of my own.

The Healthy Dining Rules For Eating Out.

1. Never eat the rolls. If you’re going to eat carbohydrates, save it for dessert.

2. Always choose a clean protein entrée and ask to replace any starches or grains with extra vegetables. Be sure to ask what oils they use to prepare them. If it is not olive or coconut oil then ask to get them steamed and never boiled. We want them as close to alive as possible.

3. While waiting for dinner, have a glass of water... or two. This will curve your cravings and fill you up a bit.

4. If the protein you order is significantly greater than the size of your palm, take the excess home.

5. Determine whether the carbohydrates on your plate are favorable or unfavorable. If you’re eating favorable carbohydrates, have double the volume of carbohydrates compared to the protein portion.

So what is a "favorable" carbohydrate you ask? Good question!  I would say that if they are alive, close to alive, and are colors of the stoplight (red, green, yellow/orange) than you're in favor.

6. If dining out is not complete without dessert, then don’t eat any grains or starchy carbohydrates during the meal. Order whatever you want for dessert, but eat only half. Share it with someone else and never take the leftover dessert home. If you do you'll eat it.

These are all good for dining out, but I would personally still eat as many non-starchy veggies as I can get with my meal, no grains, always starting with as big of a salad as I can get, drink only the substance of life (aka good ol H2O) which is what I do anyway, and then if I wanted dessert I'd have it. I rarely eat the dessert when I'm out anyway cause when I get home I have amazing Coconut Bliss icecream made dairy free (coconut milk instead), soy free, gluten free, and the Cherry Amaretto flavor is TO DIE FOR. :)

Most of the time I dine out only a one or two times a month so it's definitely a treat and not an all the time thing; however there was a time that I'd eat out almost every day. I really do enjoy going out, but it's ultimately not healthy to eat right off the menu when ordering. Always modify and tweak menu items the way you should in order to enjoy the dining experience and remain as healthy as you can. Sure the food is great, but overall dining out- to me- is more about the atmosphere and company than anything else.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cancer Free, Over Forty and Fabulous!

Cancer Free, Over Forty and Fabulous
By: Christy Seguin

Yes, I am forty-one years old as of February 7, 2010.  Not only am I NOT ashamed of my age, I am very proud of it!  I know I look great, and that I am in the best shape of my life--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.   It is my heart's desire to be a positive role model and to show everyone that it is absolutely possible to be the best You that you have ever been at any age.

A little about my personal story is that years ago doctors thought I had cancer, but came to find that I didn't and instead had a bunch of tumors. I did have a hysterectomy to remove 7 large tumors, one the size of a grapefruit that was crushing my bladder & causing all kinds of problems.  And I had a large tumor/growth/whatever you want to call it--in the back of my throat that disappeared with the raw foods, but it was not cancerous.  I have been very fortunate from that standpoint!

I didn't want medical treatment per se and so sought out a much more natural approach for therapy. The doctor who I sought out, who was both an M.D. and N.D., helped me and others create an environment in their bodies which actually REVERSES cancer... With an 80%+ success rate!  As you know, nothing can 'cure' anything--it will come right back if the person starts back in the same habits that created the friendly environment for the disease anyway.  He has literally taken on cases of people in hospice--the medical community had given up & left them to die--and he was able to reverse their cancer and they returned to a somewhat normal life.  Unfortunately, he has "disappeared"(probably chased out by the FDA and AMA), which kills me.  I give thanks daily that he was brought into my life!  He suggested an 85% raw food protocol, with cooked beans and some other 'acceptable' cooked foods.  My body doesn't like cooked beans much at all, so I gravitated to all raw over time.  It was just easier, tasted better, and I feel amazing!

In late 2008, I set a goal of competing in Figure competitions in 2009, and winning a small 'natural' show.  It didn't occur to me at the time that I could achieve a physique worthy of standing on stage with the best of the best in the NPC--the 'big' division that is like the minor leagues to the Major League of the IFBB, to use a baseball analogy.  The IFBB is the International Federation of Body Building, and was founded by none other than the amazing incredible Joe Weider.

I was blessed to meet an amazing trainer and coach, Shannon Dey of Team Bombshell, at one of my early competitions.  I was not doing as well as I had hoped, although I was placing.  I needed help, guidance, and expert coaching.  Meeting Shannon was a Godsend.  She and her husband Rob are recognized nationally as one of the top elite trainers of fitness, figure, and bikini competitors.

The protocol I followed until I started working with my coaches was at least 90% raw vegan.  Certain foods I can't do raw--broccoli tears me up, for example. I have to steam it a bit.  Other than the (very) occasional sushi, I didn't eat any meat for two years.  Then when I read The Primal Diet, I felt much better about using animal products and incorporated the raw eggs & sushi.  I ate mainly green smoothies, nut pates, lots of raw desserts!  :)  I made a lot of 'gourmet' type things.  I created a raw Mexican Quiche for example that is divine.  I really like blended foods, so most of meals were blended in one way or another.  Lots of salads loaded with nuts & veggies.  And I am absolutely famous for my killer guacamole, which is an antioxidant cocktail, and my husband and I can go through a large bowl of that every day.  I had a lot of fun creating amazing foods!  I miss all that, but unfortunately it doesn't work with contest prep.  I did create some pretty cool recipes for the two contests that I did while I was still raw vegan--mostly Sun Warrior smoothies, lots of spirulina, lots of salads, my avocado 'Muscle Mousse', etc.

I started working with my coaches, and their workout strategy, along with a restructuring of my diet plan, made an amazing difference.  In just a couple months, I gained several pounds of muscle while dropping tremendous bodyfat, and WON my first NPC show--a big Level 5 Regional.  That win qualified me for the National Championships, and with only 4 weeks further preparation, I competed at Nationals and placed 12th!

I was thrilled, and am now more motivated than ever.  With the expert guidance of Team Bombshell, my goal for 2010 is to WIN an NPC National show and earn my IFBB Pro Card.  I want to stand on stage as the only known 'raw foodist' competitor, as an example of what is achievable through whole, natural living foods that nourish and cleanse the body, as well as make it strong and beautiful.  The power of raw foods has been so evident in my training and physique transformation.  Along with the proper exercise techniques, living foods will transform your body!

Discovering the living foods lifestyle has been the biggest blessing I can possibly imagine.  The worlds it has opened up to me are so expansive.  I have seen so many blessings in my life, starting with the physical--a tumor disappearing, no colds or flu for over three years now, greater strength and endurance, much less joint pain, much lovelier skin & hair, more muscle, less bodyfat, etc, etc.

Then there is the spiritual and mental component.  I feel more at peace, less stressed, more in tune with the earth and all its living creatures.  I am able to love more fully and completely, and to give more of myself to others, as I have so much more energy that I have plenty left over!  This is all totally subjective.  I can't quantify it or prove it to you in some scientific manner, but I just know that I have never felt happier and more alive.

Christy is an amazing woman... hands down. I really enjoy having the privilege to interview and chat with her.  For more info on Christy Seguin and to see all her great photos, recipes, and more visit her website here:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some FAQ's Of Eating Healthy

One of my personal friends emailed me the other day and had some really great questions. I'd like to share with you a part of our conversation cause I think it will really benefit all of my readers.


I have been researching the cancer rates in other countries and have found that Asia and some European countries (Spain and Greece) are among the lowest. So…what is the link here???

Asia consumes a lot of fish, fruit, veggies and lots of RICE! Not to mention  green tea.

Greece and Europe consume a lot of VEGGIES, FISH and Cheese and olive oil. I for one LOVE Greek food (my step dad is Greek). I have learned to make spinach pie which consists of feta cheese, spinach and philo leaves.  I also love to make Greek Potatoes and what I call Greek burgers ( this combines beef, feta, red pepper, and kalmata olives.)

What’s ur take on this? Can you still eat this stuff and be healthy?

Mediterranean diets are awesome and I love them. Asian cultures are actually very good on paper. The rice they consume is a grain yes; however that is about the ONLY grain they consume and it is gluten free as well. It is digested a bit differently than most all other grains. Doesn't make it great, but just a better alternative. Additionally they are also much more laborous in these countries. They are more physical all day long, walk A LOT, and don't turn to being couch potatoes like we do here in the U.S.

The coastal Asians are much more apt to be healthier than their inner-city and suburban counterparts due to the city having all the food accesses as we get in our own environment.

What you described in your email is pretty much a grain-free diet outside of the rice, but as I mentioned there are reasons for that.  If your diet consists of fruits, veggies, and high healthy fat proteins such as grassfed beef, full fat cheeses (unpasteurized of course), whole eggs from cage free chickens on veg diets, raw nuts/seeds, wild caught fish (farm raised are fed grains and contain almost 80% less healthy fats than the wild caught) you will be amazingly healthy.

Since chicken(and any poultry) is one of the worst things to eat due to it NEEDING to be cooked to a minimum of 160 degrees prior to conceiving consumption as well as when it is cooked it becomes carcinogenic due to the heating process and who would want to eat chicken raw (yuck!), pasta (especially, especially wheat), any grains whatsoever (source: are extremely, extremely unhealthy... you would be eliminating toxic and digestively abrasive things from your diet and therefore lifestyle. Immediate positive changes would occur.

Outside of that I'm not saying to be 100% raw. Somewhere in the range of 80-85% raw is great. You can eat meat and cheese. In fact I eat grassfed beef 2-3 times a week. Grassfed beef can have more omega-3's than fish and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which is a very healthy fat for eliminating excess body fat and contributes to brain function as well. As cheese goes, well eat your fill. In fact I eat at least a block or block and a half a night. It is always full-fat, raw or unpasteurized dairy only so that the enzymes, proteins, and good bacteria are alive. If you eat pasteurized or dead dairy you are promoting all sorts of health issues, some you might be aware of and others you might not, that will be immediately removed when eliminating pasteurized dairy. Source:

Our email conversation continued:
Ok Bob…. Where can you get the rice the Asians use- the gluten free one? Where can you get the eggs you have referenced, do you have any good Mediterranean recipes, and finally what type of fish do you recommend consuming. (Oh yeah, how do you feel about potatoes? My fav are sweet potatoes cause they're higher in their vitamin content.)

Here's my quick answers:
All rice, as far as I've seen, is gluten free.

Eggs: any store these days has them, but we get them at Trader Joes or Whole Foods. Just make sure they are 3 things: organic, cage free, and fed vegetarian diets. The cartons will say all those things. Fertile eggs are also great. FYI: egg shell color has not bearing on what is inside. The inside is all the same

Recipes: My book will be coming out soon and have a bunch in it alongside my take on how, when, & what we should be eating ongoing. I also post recipes and pics on my Facebook profile a few times a week and I hand out recipes to all my clients ongoing.

Potatoes are fine as long as you don't eat them all the time due to the starch. White and red are part of the nightshade family alongside tomatoes, eggplant, all peppers, etc. They are pro-inflammatory due to a natural chemical in them. Eat them very sparingly. Sweet potatoes and yams are not of the nightshades and are fine, but again- due to the starch- sparingly is best. Vitamins are in a lot of berries much more prevalent than sweet potatoes.

Here's some food for thought that I heard from my buddy, and fellow IKFF Kettlebell Teacher, Sincere Hogan... Always run from the "4 Little White Devils".

1. Sugar
2. Table Salt (sea salt is fine)
3. White Flour and other grains (coconut and almond flour is perfect)
4. Pasteurized Dairy

Eliminate those and you will be in very, very good health. I'd call it amazing health... all the time. Done and done.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do It All With Dr. Bonner's Magic (Castile) Soaps - EVEN BRUSH BILLY BOB TEETH!

We've been using Dr. Bonner soaps for years. The more I researched into the tooth soaps and their ingredients it got me thinking. We can do this for cheaper and potentially better. Dr. Bonner's Magic Soaps, which by the way I don't sell or make any money on... just a very proud user of, does it best.

They say it be right on their website. Take a look at this: Although the label claims eighteen uses, we do not have the space to write all these uses on the label and still accommodate for my grandfather’s philosophy, as well as the new labeling laws that are periodically implemented. In reality, there are far more than eighteen uses, as people constantly write in to tell us about yet another utility of the soap. We won’t detail them all, but below are some of the major uses and dilutions.

Here's several regular uses of Dr. Bonner's Magic Soap. I've been using it for my shower soap for years and I will be using this for brushing my teeth starting today!

1. For Everyday Body-Washing: Get wet and pour soap full-strength onto hands-washcloth-loofah. Lather up, scrub down, rinse off, and tingle fresh and clean.

2. For Other Uses, dilute from one part soap into 40 parts water for light cleaning, to cutting it in half or using it full strength for heavy-duty grease-cutting jobs.

3. For Shampoo, people have been telling us for years that they like using our soaps to shampoo their hair. Now, paired with our new Citrus Conditioning Rinse and Organic Leave-In Conditioning Crème, it works better than ever. For details, click here.

4. For The Laundry, use 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup for one regular load; adjust as needed depending on hardness of water. I've been told that adding a dash of baking soda makes it even better.
For pets, lather up well and apply to their body. Be careful to keep the soap and the lather away from their eyes. I find a mixture of peppermint and eucalyptus works best.

5. FOR TOOTH BRUSHING, apply a drop or two of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap (I prefer the peppermint) to a wet toothbrush. Brush as you normally would, rinsing accordingly. Be careful about using more than a couple drops of soap, as you might start foaming at the mouth (last time I checked "rabid chic" was not cool). Many people with sensitive or softer teeth like to use our soap as toothpaste because it lacks abrasives.

Can't help ya if you look like this though!

If you're very interested in specific ratios & uses, you could find the book "Clean House, Clean Planet" by Karen Logan and published in 1996 by Pocket Books division of Simon & Schuster. She presents hundreds of great ideas and manners to clean the non-toxic way, which gives rise for many examples that use an all-natural liquid soap like Dr. Bronner's.

Source: Dr. Bonner's Magic Soaps