The past couple workouts have been pretty cool and a lot of fun. I had one in particular where I just went freestyle.
I call this workout: "Free Form Style Moving".
I went to 2 local Gilbert, Arizona parks. The first was Discovery Park and just began running. Whenever I felt like it I took a tuck and roll and then kept on moving whether it be back to running, bear crawling, sabertooth crawling, skipping, hopping, side shuffling, stair jumps, bench jumps, hand stand pushups, bench rows, rock hops, bench dips, and more.
It was all free and all fun. I did this for about 25 minutes until the heat got to me. It was in the mid-90's when I was doing this so that added to the physical stress of it.

After that I took a 15 min. driving break to go to another Gilbert park called Freestone Park. This park has a lot more hills and trees- both are key.
As soon as I got there I performed a quick 4 min set of swings with my 24kg bell.
2 Hands
Hand 2 Hand
Then I went to the steepest hill. There's a great tree right at the top of it where I preformed 10 strick close hand pullups on one of the branches. Then I ran down the hill. At the bottom is a soccer field with the goal right at the bottom of where I ran down. There are 2 bars that stick out the back of it. One is at my chest height and one is at about 8 feet up. So I had a spur of the moment thought and decided to peform 10 muscle ups (pullup and immediate dip) right there before sprinting back up the hill.
I repeated this exciting circuit 4 times.

If you're not in Arizona then go enjoy the weather outside and practice Free Form Style Moving at least 3 times a week, every week. It's fun and super effective. Just keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to being healthy and being fit. You must work hard at both, but will reap a lifetime of amazing benefits. It's never, ever too late to start a new journey. Let's do it together!
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