Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Peeling Away Conventional Produce

The question is always being asked and considered regarding budgeting for food cost. Should we buy organic or should we save a couple bucks and buy conventionally grown foods? My quick answer to that is how much do you value your health? We only get one chance to keep ourselves healthy and it definitely takes constant effort and a little bit more money, but every ounce of energy put forth and every extra penny is entirely worth the investment in yourself. Simply because you may not have any symptoms or be overweight does not mean you are healthy. You can get lypo to spot reduce body fat nowadays, but that procedure does absolutely nothing to increase overall health. Also there is no honor in paying for a procedure like that. The honor lies in putting in the time and great effort by being active and attentively adhere to healthy eating habits. If you cannot do that you are just being lazy- plain and simple.

If you don't know how to do that then educate yourself so you will know. There are many resources available to you, but allow me to encourage you to be very discerning and do your homework. Don't just believe everything you hear or read because the media and food industry does a very good job with propaganda according to their own financial agenda. Ok well of course if it comes from a good lookin bald headed kettlebell fitness coach, such as yours truly, then it's certainly fine. Just kidding... I would even encourage you to continue expounding upon what I write as well.

Now let's get back to the topic of quality food choices and purchases. In the U.S. we actually spend less of a percentage of our paychecks on food than many other countries. There was a recent study conducted on the Private Consumption Expenditure of food costs within a home.

The study examined 51 countries, home to 2.5 billion of the world's 5.8 billion people, to compare spending and consumption patterns and how they relate to income. International comparisons indicate that, in general, the richer a country is, the smaller the share of PCE its citizens spend on food. Of the countries included in this study, the United States spent the smallest share of its PCE on food at home, only 9 percent, while Tanzania, with the lowest per capita income, spent the highest share, 71 percent.

High-income countries consume larger amounts of costly meat and fish, dairy products, and processed foods. France consumes the highest share of meat and fish, which account for 19 percent of daily calorie consumption. In the United States, meat and fish account for 16 percent of daily calories. Annual per capita meat consumption is only 40 pounds in Algeria and 89 pounds in Mexico, nowhere near the 223 pounds in France or the 264 pounds in the United States. Meats are not the only dietary difference among countries. People in Algeria and Mexico, for example, consume almost twice the amount of cereals per capita that U.S. residents do, but only half the amount of vegetables. Milk consumption in the United States is 2.5 times that in Algeria and Mexico.

When thinking of regularly purchasing and consuming organic foods it is something many people pass up simply because they believe they will be spending too much. By saving a dollar here and there can actually negatively effect your health. Take this very, very serious because it IS very serious. I am not just some health fanatic ranting on about what I do. I could hoard all my secrets and just let the rest of you suffer and not be healthy, but I desire to keep everyone informed. There is much more to the food than simply being cheaper in cost. In reality many of the organic foods have come down in price which is similar to that of conventionally produced.

By choosing to consume conventional produce you are deciding to ingest very, very toxic chemicals. These same chemicals are spewed out of propaganda from agencies such as the FDA to be safe. If they were safe then why are there so many internal illnesses and hormonal imbalances among our population? Each of the conventionally produced crop gets a hefty sharing of pesticides, fungacides, herbacides, and fertilizers. All of which contain MSG which many of you already know is very unhealthy. All of these chemicals are very estrogenic which means your estrogen hormone gets extremely elevated after every time these foods are consumed and in doing so you suppress your GH levels alongside Testosterone as well. When estrogen is elevated you store more fat, retain more water, and are not mentally balanced.

Even by peeling the layers it will not prevent you from ingesting the chemical fertilizers that have been sucked by the plant roots and embedded into them while growing. The herbacides, fungacides, and pesticides also do penetrate much deeper than skin deep. All of them contain MSG and none of them are ever worth the risk.

The real question is: Can you afford NOT to regularly buy organic.

If you've read my blog long enough, have emailed, Facebook Messaged, and/or trained with me then you'll know the eating protocols I advocate. I don't want to get into all of it again here, but will be writing more in upcoming articles. I have put many folks on this sort of eating plan and have had success. The complaints I hear are the gasps to eating so much at night. Most people are fine with eating nothing or very little during the day. At first they THINK they NEED to eat during the day only because they have been doing it for so long. Once they try it the right way they see that it's not only possible to practice, but they feel amazing very quickly too. Then the only road block is getting them to eat exactly what they need to be eating in the evening. It all must be simply balanced. No case study or trial or clinical evaluation will every convince them of anything in that regard. Trust me I've shown them all, but the proof must be in the pudding of their own experiences.

If you drink the right amounts of water during the day your fast will be very manageable and you will feel amazing. That's the key.

Source of study:

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