Anyway with that said, and if you've been reading the Synergy Kettlebell Training Blog long enough you will know that, I am a firm believer- out of personal trial and error experience, client experiences, the research that I read, and simply the FACT that the typical 'grain and starch eating' American Diet just doesn't work- that we need to engage our Sympathetic Nervous System by practicing a daily water fast and then allowing only one insulin spike(one potential fat storage time instead of several during the day) by eating one balanced, but staggered meal in the evening.
Water Fasting is just that- NO eating during the day. It is NOT to eat as much protein as you want during the day because you believe that you cannot convert protein to fat, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In essence overeating of any and all kinds of foods, without calorie expenditure, will result in weight (fat) gain. When you eat any type of food, insulin is secreted and thus some fat is stored. When you don't eat glucagon is secreted and fat is burned.
It is best to water fast during the day. Heck you don't actually NEED a post workout recovery meal and continue the water fast until the evening. Then you rotate your days of high fat and high carb(aka starches and/or grains).

Ok long story short, the body only needs food for 2 reasons: FAT or FUEL and that is exactly what it will use it for. After a workout your body will compensate to get it back in a balance when cortisol levels elevate because it is not normal for cortisol to be high. This will happen much more efficiently the more healthy and the more in shape a person is. Food is not needed to do this. A hormonal balance can take place without food for the short period it takes between completing a workout and beginning the evening main meal.
So this leaves us again with the FAT or FUEL notion regarding how the body uses food. If you are not eating then you have no reason to have it store as fat so a post workout recovery is not necessary in that respect. An evening main meal will sufficiently provide your body with every adequate bit of fuel that it needs in the sense of ultimate necessity. That is precisely how we need to view eating- necessity rather than convenience. We have refrigerators and cupboards that provide us with ready food at any time we desire. Too many desires lead to too much fat. Break the desire and realize when you need food instead of want food. Break the desire and realize that your body only needs it in the evening based upon how it uses it when it breaks it down into digestion and absorption which is the necessity rather than the convenience.
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