Thursday, December 11, 2008

On The Fly

The day started out with me having a lot of energy and feeling great, but as it drew closer to my workout I felt myself feeling- not drained of energy- but rather the feeling where I've been working hard lately and my body simply needed a break.  So I modified my workout a bit and kept it short and sweet.  That's the beauty of great program design.  It can be done on the fly if need be.  Don't even ask where I got that pic. LOL!

Workout 121008:
6 Min. OALC @ 32kg and 6rpm
Ok well something happened in the second half of my set.  My right arm worked perfectly and I actually felt very strong during the 3 minutes it was supporting the 32.  Then it was my left arm's turn.  Usually I'm quite strong in my left even compared to my right.  I had a callous tear on Monday that effected me during this workout.  Saturdays Snatches (which I don't practice at all ever since taking up Long Cycle) created a blood blister on my left hand that tore open during my Long Cycle set on Monday.  So while I practiced this set with the 32 I had some mental issues movitating myself with the low energy I was feeling that all I could think about was the darn callous and not letting the bell touch it.  Needless to say I had to set the bell down during the 5th minute and walk away for about 10 seconds before realizing that I was acting like a kettlebell baby and needed to warrior up to finish my set.  So despite my 10 second boo boo hand pity party I finished my entire
6 minutes and went 10 seconds longer to make up for it.  My reps per minute on the last 2 minutes dropped to 5 and then 4 respectfully.  Now the only reason for that was my hand issue.  The strength is there because I've done it before.  All I need to do now is heal up and I'm back in business.  I think the next workout or 2 I may have to just do some jerks so that I don't aggrivate my cut anymore.

Then: 3 sets
1 Min. Jerks @ 2 20kg and 12rpm
This went VERY well and made up for my embarrassing Long Cycle set from before.

100x JS
Guerrilla Sprints

Dat Tis It!

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