Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Back!

I had a great 28 days off from resistance training and now am back ready to take on everything I can. Over the past month I still performed cardio, yoga, hiking, stretches and received a couple massages. I wanted to do everything I can to help expedite my recovery.

For my first workout back I began on Saturday with some basics.


Forward and Reverse Lunges
3 min. Treadmill walking

5 Min. 2 Handed Swings

3 Rounds-
5% Incline Treadmill Intervals
1. 1:30 Walking
2. 3:00 Jogging @ 6mph
3. :30 Sprinting @ 12mph

6 Min. One Arm Jerk Set w/ one hand switch in the middle


This workout left me feeling amazing and very happy to be back at it. Taking the month off was the longest I've ever taken off in about 15 years besides the occasional 7-10 day recovery week every few months.

My second workout was even better and I already feel my conditioning coming back. On top of that my extra stored "lazy fat as we will call it" is even looking like it's quickly leaving. Reason for that is simply my intensity. Other than taking it easy on my weight bearing training my interval training is always balls to the wall. I give it everything I can and bring myself to the point of my body wanting to give up. That is when I know changes will occur. You can't do that all the time with weights no matter if you work with Kettlebells, body weight exercises, free weights, etc. If you do you will very quickly overtrain and get injured. You have to know your own personal limitations and listen to your body. Recovery proceeds growth of any kind so implement that for success.


50x Lunges
100x Jump ropes
50x MB Slams

Workout: All with 16kg
6 Min. Snatch Set
I kept a little over 15 reps per minute. Again I didn't want to get to crazy that would leave me sore for 2 weeks so I really paced myself.

4x Quarter Mile Sprints on StepMill
Rest as long as it took to complete the sprint

5x High Windmill per side
5x TGU per side
5x High Windmill per side


4x 30s Uphill Sprints on Treadmill
Rest 1 min.

Cool Down:
4 Min. Jog @ 6.0mph on Treadmill

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