Wednesday, June 4, 2008


7am- woke up and drank 1 tblspn of psyllium seed husk in 10oz of water.

8:30am- (Will be the last time I put the oil and powder in the shake per Ori Hofmekler.)
My Super Breakfast Smoothie:
1. 1.5-2 cups of water
2. 1 tblspn of Barlean's Flaxseed Oil
3. 1 half a grapefruit
4. A very small handful of mixed greens
5. 1/2 stalk of kale
6. 1 serving of Udo's Choice: Wholesome Fast Food (powder with a whole lot of organic greens, enzymes, phytonutrients, and more)

1pm- banana

4pm- 1 apple

8:15pm- evening meal
Big Salad w/ a lot of mixed greens, tomatos, baby spinach, flax seed meal, cucumber, green zucchini

About a 30 min. later-About 6 ounces of halibut
a few servings of black bean salad, chickpea salad, & taboule
3 ounces of raw jack style cheese

About a 30min. later-A few ounces of mixed nuts

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